Depression Therapy
What is Depression?
Have you been feeling sad, empty, and hopeless most of the day, nearly every day? Have you lost interest or pleasure in your hobbies or being with friends and family? Are you having trouble sleeping, eating, and functioning? If you have felt this way for at least 2 weeks, you may have depression, a serious but treatable mood disorder.
Everyone feels sad or low sometimes, but these feelings usually pass with a little time. Depression—also called “clinical depression” is a mood disorder that causes distressing symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working, lasting more then 2 weeks.
We can help. Get started now with Depression Therapy.
What Happens in Depression Therapy?
There are times in life when we experience periods of sadness, nervousness about the future, lack of motivation and lack of self confidence. Additionally, those feelings lead to an inability to get out of bed, meet new people, complete goals and live the life we deserve.
Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) We will help you live the life you want and deserve. CBT is a talk therapy that works well for depression and other mental health issues. CBT, is based on the notion that negative thinking leads to negative emotions, which leads to self-destructive behaviors. If you want to change your behaviors, you need to change your thinking.

Have you ever said to yourself:
“I cant get out of bed”
“I cant feel better”
“This always happens”
“I’m never going to be able to do this”
“I will never be happy”
“Its all my fault”
I can help you establish healthier patterns of thinking and behavior. Through CBT, you can identify and replace unhelpful thought patterns leading to an improved ability to regulate your emotions. As a result, you will develop a tool box of skills to overcome these negative feelings. I will work with you to get you back out there living the life you want and deserve.
CBT is a well-established approach to a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, relationship problems, eating disorders, and severe mental illness. CBT is one of the most effective and widely used treatments for depression and anxiety.
Stop believing everything you think.
Consequently, you’re missing out on alot of things. These negative feelings are weighing you down. It’s okay to ask for help. With the right support, you can speed your recovery and finally find contentment in your life. Schedule your appointment today.