Online Therapy

You’ve been feeling depressed and down for the past few months. Or maybe you’re anxious, feeling hopeless about life and your future. You have stressors that you don’t normally have and its been difficult to manage daily routines. You’re trying to stay above water but on the inside, everything seems to be crashing down. You recognize that you want support and you need the support now more than ever. BUT you don’t feel like you have the time for therapy or maybe you simply don’t feel comfortable.


I get it.

  1. Are you unable to drive to a therapists office?
  2. Is childcare holding you back from stepping into the therapist office?
  3. Are you worried that people you know will see you enter or leave a therapists office?

What in your life is making the trip to therapy inconvenient?

You no longer have to worry because for your convenience, Blu Haven Wellness Center offers Teletherapy sessions. Enjoy your sessions now through a live, secure video connection over the internet, or by phone.

What is Online Therapy?

Well the times are changing and so is therapy. Busy schedules, childcare challenges or fear about being seen in an office should not stop any one from receiving counseling. With today’s advances there is a new way of getting the help and support you need and want using online therapy. Online therapy, also known as telemental health, internet therapy or online counseling is a growing trend in the world of mental health. Through online therapy, I am able to work with clients using therapeutic interventions over the internet. Online therapy can be offered via video, telephone and messaging. This method of connection offers the same benefits of traditional therapy while adding in the convenience factor.

Why Choose Online Therapy?

The most common reason people are choosing online therapy is the time and convenience it offers. You’re busy, life happens, you have other stressors, therapy unfortunately is not a priority. Online therapy helps to eliminate the struggle with having to drive to an office because it is available wherever you are on your phone or computer. Because the counseling session takes place in your home (or other location of your choosing), no one will see you coming or going from the counseling office. You receive the same quality therapy without any of the hassle of traditional office-based counseling. You can potentially eliminate the necessity of finding childcare, which is often quite difficult, especially in unforeseeable situations such as having a sick child sent home from school early.