Five Steps to Solve a Problem

woman thinking

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t solve a problem? Did you hope it would disappear if you ignored it?

I have, and problems don’t disappear. They lurk under the surface.

I woke up from anesthesia after a routine procedure last year and kept repeating that I had 500 problems. I did not. But burying my troubles made it feel like 500. I had to face what was bothering me head-on and improve my problem-solving skills.

You can too.

What are the two main types of problems?

Before laying out a problem-solving formula, it is helpful to understand the two main types of problems.

  • Ill-defined problems are those that have multiple, non-guaranteed solutions. Finding a new job, finding a partner, or overcoming depression are all ill-defined problems. It may take more steps and effort to solve this challenge.
  • A well-defined problem has a single, guaranteed solution. If you are hungry, eating is guaranteed to fix the issue. However, just because a problem is well-defined doesn’t mean it is easy to solve.

In those moments when a solution is not clear, an easy-to-remember formula can help get you started.

5 steps to solve a problem: ADAPT

ADAPT is a problem-solving method outlined in Positive Psychology by Dr. Jeremy Sutton.

  1. Attitude: If you believe something is impossible, it will be. Switch your perspective. Tell yourself there is a solution and you will find it. Positive thinking is fuel when you feel stuck.
  2. Define the problem and your goals. Describe what obstacles could get in your way.
  3. Alternatives: Write down several solutions and evaluate them for effort and impact (high, medium, and low).
  4. Predict which of the alternatives, or a combination, would most likely achieve your goal. Pick one.
  5. Try out your plan. Divide the solution into smaller achievable steps and get going.

If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again.

If you don’t achieve your desired goal, evaluate what went wrong. Then, try another approach from your alternatives. If you need additional support, ask for it—it might a step you add to your next action plan. A therapist can help if you feel stuck.

No matter what the outcome. remember to be kind to yourself and celebrate what went right. Instant success is not guaranteed—getting better at problem-solving is. The most important thing is to try.

You have all the solutions in you. As Brené Brown wrote in The Gifts of Imperfection, “Dig deep—get deliberate, inspired, and going.”

You deserve support. Schedule a discovery call now and learn how Blu Haven Wellness Center can help you find tranquility and feel replenished.